Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sean's Top 5 T.V. Shows

I must be feeling productive this morning if I'm doing two posts. :) I just thought I would share my list of the top 5 t.v. shows I am currently watching. They are as follows (in alphabetical order):

30 Rock

This is the funniest show on t.v. right now and has one of the funniest casts going right now too. From Tina Fey to Alec Baldwin to Tracy Morgan to everyone else, I always bust a guy no matter what they are doing onscreen. I also do like the guest stars they are able to attract as everyone seems to want to be in the Tina Fey business right now, and who can blame them. :P A recent newspaper article I read said that the show relies too much on guest stars and I guess I can see that point but generally I love them all. Steve Martin even delivered one of the best lines this season: "We'll go to Toronto. It's like New York but without all the stuff". So very true. lol

Big Bang Theory

My friends Maggi and Chris got me into this one when I visited them last fall and I've been hooked ever since. It has to be one of the funniest shows on t.v. right now. It's a must see for all nerds and geeks really as I'm sure most of us can relate to the characters and their love of comics, scifi, video games, etc. Sheldon as the supergenius arrogant weirdo is probably the best character in the show. I just love how they tie geek culture into it, from Halo Nights to Rock Band to freaking out because Summer Glau is on the same train as them. My only criticism of the show is the overuse of the big canned laughter. Not every joke needs the huge outburst of laughter.


I've loved this show since it first premiered last season. The character all have great chemistry, the writing is usually very crisp and it also has the geek references we can all enjoy. Adam Baldwin as the NSA agent Casey is just as good as he was on Firefly and the rest of the cast is great in their roles as well. I don't think they've had a single episode that I really haven't liked.

Prison Break

This is one of the most ridiculous, unbelieveable shows on t.v. and that is exactly why I love it. The shows has definitely veered off from the original season's flow and has brought in more conspiracies than one can shake a fist at. The characters always seem to find a way out of every tough situation they face. However, it is a very fun show to watch and always has some very good action sequences. It's just a real shame that it's being taken off the air after it's next 4 or so episodes. To be honest though, I can't believe they found a way to stretch it out this long (that's what she said).


This is probably my favourite show on t.v. and has been one of the most consistently enteraining ones since it first started 4 seasons ago. The two actors playing Sam and Dean Winchester, Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, have the best brother chemistry I think I've seen on t.v. in quite some time. They even look like they could be brothers in real life. One of the reason I love this show is that I'm a big fan of horror movies and this show is almost like a 1 hour horror movie every week with bad guys from Reapers to Vampires to Demons to Ghosts to you name it. I love the variety of bad guys they seem to find in the occult and it's not always the same thing although ghosts and demons due show up more than anyothers. The main storyline this season of the demons trying to free Lucifer so he can bring on the apocalypse and the Winchesters being recruited by angels to fight on the side of Heaven has been very entertaining and interesting. I really hope they can get one more season but if it ends after just four, that's ok because not too many shows can be good for this long.

Now I know everyone has shows they would change with what I have set out, but it's my list so too bad. ;) What would you list as your favourite shows? I just listed the shows that I am current and up to date on. I do love Friday Night Lights and Battlestar Galactica too, but I haven't stayed up on their latest seasons and waiting to watch them this summer in one fell swoop. I also enjoy other shows such as The Office, My Name is Earl, Smallville and even the second half of Heroes' season but they just didn't make the cut.

1 comment:

ICandee said...

This is an excellent list! My top 5 would be: Supernatural, BSG (even though it's off now *sob*), The Office, 30 Rock and The Wiggles (hey, I have a baby so sue me! :P). I'm also interested in seeing how the new Amy Poehler show "Parks and Recreation" turns out. I started watching "Party Down" on Showtime and it's not too bad. I wish you were watching Ultimate Gamer with me! lol